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The Legend of Lord Jagannath’s Journey to Simantadwip

Lord Jagannath's journey to Simantadwip

In the divine realm of Odisha, where devotion dances in the air, there once arose a dire threat. A demonic king named Raktabahu unleashed terror, desecrating temples and shattering the peace of the pious. His path of destruction led him towards the sacred abode of Lord Jagannath in Puri, instilling fear in the hearts of the devout.

In their desperation, the devotees sought refuge in their beloved deity. With folded hands and trembling voices, they implored, “O Lord Jagannath, protector of our land, the shadow of Raktabahu looms over us. We cannot bear the thought of your divine abode being tarnished. Please shield us and your temple from this impending doom.”

Moved by their fervent pleas, Lord Jagannath, in his infinite compassion, appeared in the dream of the head priest. He assured, “Fear not, for your devotion has touched my heart. No harm shall befall my divine form or my temple. Yet, to honor your devotion and to ensure your safety, I shall embark on a journey.”

He instructed, “Take my form, along with Lord Balaram and Devi Subhadra, and head towards Bengal through the dense forests. This path shall shield you from Raktabahu. Remember, my protection is ever with you.”

With the break of dawn, the priest relayed the divine message, and the devotees sprang into action. The Sabaras, a tribe devoted to Lord Jagannath’s service, were entrusted with the sacred task of carrying the deities. They set forth with reverence, navigating through the wilderness, their faith unwavering.

For eleven days, they journeyed, worshiping the Lord amidst nature’s bounty, and each night, they rested under the stars, with the deities safely by their side. On the twelfth day, they reached the serene island of Simantadwip in Navadvipa Dham.

That night, Lord Jagannath once again appeared in the dream of the Sabara leader, expressing his desire to reside in this tranquil spot. The Sabaras, overjoyed by the Lord’s wish, dedicated themselves to establishing his permanent abode there.

Generations of Sabara Vaisnavas continued to serve Lord Jagannath with pure devotion, and in time, they attained liberation, joining the Lord in his eternal abode. The village of the Sabaras, known as Sabara Danga, stands testament to their devotion.

Though the physical forms of the deities eventually faded from sight, Lord Jagannath’s presence in Simantadwip remained undiminished, a fact that was later revealed during the time of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. The legend of Lord Jagannath’s journey to Simantadwip endures as a testament to the power of devotion and the Lord’s eternal promise to protect his devotees.

Disclaimer: The stories shared on this website are folklores and have been passed down through generations. While we make every effort to ensure the accuracy and authenticity of the information presented, we cannot guarantee the original source of these stories. Readers are advised to use their own discretion and judgment when reading and interpreting these stories. We are not accountable for the source of these stories or any claims that may arise from their use.


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A kiss makes the heart young again and wipes out the years.

Rupert Brooke

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